Sun. Feb. 3 through Tues. Feb. 19 ... Losar (Tibetan New Year) Special Buddhist events at Saraha visit and events at Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute... see calendar or CLICK LINK for more information.

Multiple new teachings by Saraha resident teacher Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche in February... Including teaching on Meditation (Mondays), on The 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva (Wed. & Friday), and Madhyamika, Realizing the Middle Way (Tues. & Thurs.) CLICK HERE... for event schedule....

Sun. July 8-Wed. July 11 ... HH Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche visit and events at Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute... see calendar or CLICK LINK for more information.

MWF in March, 6-7 pm ... Great news that Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche is scheduled to be teaching and leading events at the Institute in March, in particular, Tulku will teach on the practice of meditation on Mondays, and the view and conduct of a Buddhist practitioner on Wednesdays and Fridays, om 6-7 pm on MWFs.

Sat. Nov. 11, 11 am -1:30 pm ... celebrating the Lha Bab Anniversary of Buddha’s return from celestial realms, Buddhist Sanghas from the Eugene area and beyond join together at Saraha Institute to recite the Heart Sutra in their native practice languages, including Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese, Vietnamese and English, followed by lunch ...

Wed. Nov. 8, 7-9 pm : HH Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje Saraha Visit Anniversary Event - featuring video from Rinpoche's original visit and teaching
followed by teaching by Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche
followed by group Tsok Practice
Everyone welcome, free of charge, donations welcome, pls bring fresh, appealing, wholesome food offering for Tsog offering practice...

MWF'S Oct. 30-Nov. 18, continuing his teaching series from Oct. visiting teacher Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche will teach on the Vast Conduct and Profound View teachings of the Buddhist Mahayana.
Taking a unique approach to this subject, Rinpoche will alternate teaching subjects, such that he will teach on conduct one day, and view the next.
Teachings free and open to the public. Donations welcome..."

Sun. Oct. 22, 4-5:30 pm, Saraha visiting teacher Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche will teach on the subject "From Rebirth to Rebirth," identifying our continuous, immaterial minds, understanding the process of death and rebirth, and the importance of stable wisdom practice at the time of death... as part of Saraha's BHASA ongoing elder care and community series..."

Sun. Sept. 24, 4-5:30 pm, Saraha visiting teacher Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche will teach on the subject " Mind and Meditation, Aging and Dying" as part of Saraha's BHASA elder care and community series..."
Events in 2017

Sun. 6/25, 3-5 pm... BHASA, Buddhist Home at SAraha launch event... we will introduce the background of the BHASA... we will talk about the spiritual content of being a Buddhist practitioner facing aging and dying... we will talk about supporting this process through efforts of the local community of spiritual friendship... we will talk about addressing housing, health care and financial issues as part of this process... group talk and tea will constitute half of this event... if people want to bring healthy snacks, welcome...

July 27-Aug. 1, 5 Day Zen Meditation Retreat at Saraha led by Blue Cliff Zen Center principal teacher Matt Shinkai Kane...

Sat.-Sun, June 10-11, Teachings on Buddha's Four Noble Truths by Saraha visiting teacher Tulku Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche

Sat. May 13, 1:30-3:30 pm local Tai Chi Master David Leung : a life of tai chi : stories from the heart " with local martial arts master and psychology professor mr. david , proceeds to benefit the NAMI mental health foundation and Saraha Children's School ...

Sun. May 5 - Friday May 12, Tibetan Buddhist Master Tulku Thadral Rinpoche Ongoing Evening Buddhist Teachings Weekdays 6-8 pm, Sun. 3-5 pm through Friday May 5-12 at Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute, Eugene, Oregon... Teachings on the Dudjom Tersar Ngondro and the prayer, "Aspiration of Samanthabhadra."

Sat. April 22, 1-3 pm : Nutrition expert Jenny Noland : Saraha Benefit Event : Natural Healing to Thyroid Health, proceeds to benefit Saraha Children's School...

Wed. April 19, 6-8 pm : Lama Tsering Everest Teaching : Fear in Times of Turmoil...
$10 non-profit donation, supporting Saraha Children's School & the Patient's fund at Maple Tree Healing

Feb. 14-15 6-8 pm, Saraha founding teacher Lama Sonam Tsering will be visiting and teaching at Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute. Open to the public. Free. Everyone welcome...

Sat. April 8, 10 am - 1 pm, Dr. Priya Carden, founder of Maple Tree Healing Clinic, who is dual-certified in the fields of internal as well as hospice/palliative care medicine, and recognized as one of the top physicians in these fields here in Eugene, will discuss how patients, families and doctors can take a conscious approach to Care and Medicine for the Dying.
"While death is uniformly inevitable, the process of dying is not. There is a continuum of life and death, and how we die is determined by our ability to navigate this continuum. There are concerted efforts to live well, but it is equally important to acknowledge that part of living well is to embrace the process of dying so that one may also die well."
$10 non-profit donation, supporting Saraha Children's School & the Patient's fund at Maple Tree Healing